Welcome to Sculpta!


  • Curious about the sculpting process? Let me enlighten you. This process will include Laser Lipo + RF Skin Tightening, Cavitation, and Molding. Sessions will target and destroy fat cells. Tighten and tone the area. Then will mold the body into your dream shape.

  • Interested in what this service entails? Allow me to explain. Butt/Hip Lifts include wood therapy, and a vacuum session. This will quickly improve the butt size and shape without the downtime of surgery or injections. The vacuum will effectively move fat cells into the desired area for your butt goals.

  • Eager to know the ins and outs of this service? Let me explain. This is a Laser Lipo session done to one area. Lipo cavitation is designed to target and destroy fat cells. Radio Frequency will tighten and tone the area creating insta-packs for your body goals.

Transform your body

Welcome to the world of noninvasive body sculpting. Discover a new you with our Sculpted body treatments, and noninvasive butt lifts.